An Overview of Caching and their Policies

The cache is a layer of fast data storage. The cache is accessed immediately after a request for data from an application. If the information is already in the cache, the application receives it immediately. If not, the information is fetched from the API, added to the cache and sent back to the application.

A cache usually stores a subset of transient data, in contrast to a database whose data is usually complete and durable.

Why is cache important?

Caching is essential for improving system performance and the user experience. Caching frequently accessed data reduces the response time and latency of operations, resulting in faster and more effective processing. Some of the benefits are as follows:

Reduced latency

Caching significantly reduces data retrieval time by providing data directly from the cache, which is much faster to access than the original data source (e.g., API). This reduction in latency ensures that users experience quicker load times and a more responsive application. For applications that require real-time data processing, caching is especially beneficial as it helps maintain performance under heavy loads.

Improves performance

With caching, the processing time of an application is greatly reduced, as data retrieval from the cache is much quicker than from the original source. This enhancement in performance can be critical for high-traffic applications, enabling them to handle more user requests simultaneously without degrading user experience. Moreover, it can lead to more efficient use of system resources, as the load on the central database or data source is minimized.

Greater scalability

  • Reduced Load on Data Stores: Caching alleviates pressure on the main data store (e.g., database) by serving repeated requests from the cache. This reduction in load allows the primary data store to perform other essential operations without being bogged down by frequent read requests.

  • Prevents Overloading: By reducing the frequency of requests to the original data source, caching helps prevent it from being overwhelmed, thereby enhancing the application’s scalability. This is particularly important for applications with a large user base or during peak usage times, ensuring that performance remains stable and reliable.

Cache invalidation methods

Cache invalidation is the process by which a computer system marks cache entries as invalid, either removing or updating them to ensure data consistency. When data is modified, invalidating the cache is crucial to prevent inconsistent application behavior and ensure that users receive the most current information.

TTL (Time-To-Live)

TTL, or Time-To-Live, is a cache invalidation mechanism that assigns an expiration date to cached data, after which the data is considered invalid and must be reloaded from the source. This method ensures that cached information remains current and accurate. Key features of TTL include:

  1. Automatic Expiration: Cached items are automatically marked as expired once they reach their designated TTL, prompting the system to fetch fresh data from the source.

  2. Data Refresh: When the TTL of a cached item expires, the outdated data is deleted and replaced with the most up-to-date copy from the origin server.

  3. Management: TTL is typically managed through an end_at property, which specifies the exact time when the cached data should expire.

  4. Efficiency and Reliability: By periodically refreshing cached data, TTL helps maintain the efficiency of the caching system and ensures the reliability of the information provided.


The purge method is a cache invalidation mechanism that deliberately removes data stored in a cache, compelling the system to fetch updated data the next time it is requested. This approach has several notable features:

  1. Explicit Data Removal: By utilizing the purge method, you explicitly instruct the system to remove the cached data. This ensures that outdated or potentially stale data is eliminated from the cache.

  2. Data Freshness: After purging, the system is forced to retrieve fresh data from the source on the next request, guaranteeing that users receive the most current information available.

  3. Use Cases: The purge method is particularly useful in scenarios where data accuracy is critical and outdated information could lead to incorrect decisions or actions.


The refresh method of invalidation is a caching strategy that updates existing cached content with the latest version from the source without removing the current cache. This approach has several key advantages:

  1. Continuity of Service: The existing cached data remains accessible during the update process, ensuring that users experience no interruption in service.

  2. Data Consistency: It ensures that users always have access to the most up-to-date information, improving the accuracy and reliability of the data presented.


The ban method of invalidation targets cached content based on a specific set of criteria, ensuring that only relevant data is purged. Key aspects of the Ban method include:

  1. Criteria-Based Invalidation: Cached files are invalidated if they match predefined ban criteria, allowing for precise control over which data is removed from the cache.

  2. Instant Deletion: Any files in the cache that meet the ban criteria are deleted immediately, ensuring that outdated or unwanted content is swiftly removed.

  3. Direct Requests to Source: Once the banned files are deleted, subsequent requests for these files are sent directly to their original servers, ensuring that the most up-to-date data is fetched and served to users.

  4. Use Cases: The Ban method is particularly useful in scenarios where specific data needs to be invalidated due to changes in content, security updates, or policy enforcement.

Substitution policies

Cache substitution policies are crucial in managing the efficiency and effectiveness of a caching system. These policies determine which cached data should be replaced when new data needs to be stored, ensuring optimal use of limited cache space.

FIFO (First-In, First-Out)

The FIFO (First-In, First-Out) substitution policy is one of the simplest and most straightforward cache management strategies. In this policy, the oldest cached data is the first to be replaced when new data needs to be stored. Key aspects of the FIFO policy include:

  1. Simple Implementation: When the cache reaches its capacity, the system simply removes the data that was added first to make room for new data.

  2. Predictable Behavior: Since the policy always removes the oldest data, its behavior is predictable and easy to understand.

  3. Limitations: FIFO can be inefficient in cases where the oldest data is still frequently accessed.

LRU (Least Recently Used)

The LRU (Least Recently Used) substitution policy is a widely used caching strategy that prioritizes keeping frequently accessed data in the cache. In this policy, the data that has not been accessed for the longest period of time is replaced first when new data needs to be stored. Key aspects of the LRU policy include:

  1. Usage-Based Replacement: LRU focuses on the usage patterns of cached data. It assumes that data accessed recently will likely be accessed again soon.

  2. Implementation: Implementing LRU typically involves maintaining a list or a linked structure where each data entry is moved to the front upon access. This ensures that the least recently used data is always at the end, making it easy to identify and replace.

  3. Limitations: While LRU is generally efficient, it can become complex and resource-intensive to maintain. Additionally, in some scenarios, LRU may not peform optimally.

MRU (Most Recently Used)

The MRU (Most Recently Used) substitution policy is a caching strategy that contrasts with the LRU (Least Recently Used) approach. In MRU, the most recently accessed data is the first to be replaced when new data needs to be stored. Key aspects of the MRU policy include:

  1. Recent Data Replacement: MRU targets the most recently used data for replacement. This approach is based on the assumption that if data has been used recently, it might be less likely to be needed again in the near future compared to older data.

  2. Limitations: MRU may not be suitable for all scenarios, particularly those where recent data is frequently reused. In such cases, replacing the most recently used data can lead to inefficient cache performance.


The random substitution policy is a simple and effective caching strategy where the data to be replaced is selected randomly. This method does not consider the usage patterns or the age of the cached data. Key aspects of the random policy include:

  1. Simplicity: The Random policy is straightforward to implement as it does not require maintaining any metadata about the cached data’s usage or access patterns. This makes it easy to integrate into various systems.

  2. Limitations: The Random policy can be less efficient compared to other substitution strategies like LRU or MRU, particularly in environments with distinct access patterns.